Blueberries– the true brain food. They have vitamins that help memory. They're also a great source of Vitamin C and also has more of the antioxidant power you need to fight aging, cancer and heart disease. They taste great with a bowl full of cream for breakfast or in your muffins.A native of North America, and grown in shades varying from light blue to dark purple. There are at least 50 different blueberry types, both cultivated and wild. Blueberries are second only to strawberries in the berry
category in the United States. They are great snack items, they can be used for pies, crips, muffins,smoothies, cakes, blue witches brew and many more and also they taste great when added to cereals, salads, yogurts or pancakes. Wild blueberries are smaller and more compact with a brighter blue color than cultivated blueberries, and many think that wild blueberries have a more intense flavor. When buying fresh blueberries, select firm, plump nourished berries in dry, unstained cotainers. Color is the best indicator of blueberry maturity and fully developed flavor, so avoid green and immature blueberries. Reddish berries are not ripe, but may be used in cooking. Blueberries will last up to ten days stored if well stored, and can be keptf frozen for up to nine months. Don't wash berries until you're ready to eat them or use in a
recipe, because they'll turn moldy and mushy.
Tags: Blue berries, Fruit.