
food is all about choice

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


There is a general perception that boogers which is also known as “mucus” is eaten by younger kids but you will be shocked to know that this habit is found in big-kids, adults and old people as well. But my main focus is on kids.

Why do Kids Start Eating Boogers?

Eating boogers is known as “mucophagy”

Proper feeding of infant is very important during first year of his life. First year of infant’s life is important for more growth occurs during this time period and base of infant’s health built during this time than any other time period of his life. Breast milk and formula milk is all time needed within

Snacks have become significant part of kid’s diet and they very much like to eat different types of snacks like fruits, cookies, pastries, cake, candies, chips and many others. If kids are just in habit of eating snacks, then their health depends on snacks nutrition whether they are healthy or just fatty and sugary.

In teenage children groom and develop their overall health. So eating habits of are same things as eating habits of children. Teenagers have to maintain their energy for school, sports and being active so they need to eat well and healthy. Some tips for healthy eating habits for teens include:

Never Skip Meal

It is always suggested.

Feeding your new born babies is most important decisions within few days of his/her life. There are no hard and fast rules of new born babies eating habits but there eating habits develop gradually when they come to older age. For new born babies, nothing but breast milk or formula milk is best. Mainly breast

Eating habits of young guys and girls frequently change when they first go to college. However eating habits leave different affects on the health and personality of college students. The term “freshman 15” is directly associated with eating habits of college students. It often happens that college students gain weight in their first year in

In order to accomplish baby food and diet needs first and foremost decision is to feed them with breast milk or formula milk through bottle. Eating is one of sociable habits and pleasures of life that each human being possesses to live. Good eating habits start from mother’s womb. If mother eat sensibly having child

This information regarding ancient Greek eating habits is taken from authentic search from web for you. Eating habits are always remaining very important for human beings. Civilized nations of each age have their own specific pattern of eating, diet and food. When we talk about daily eating of ancient Greeks at home they had four

This information is especially for mothers as your babies depend on you regarding their eating or feeding. You should keep in mind some important points when you go to create feeding schedule for your babies. Feeding the babies is a huge responsibility as you have to understand needs of your babies without their demands or

Eating well is necessary for grooming teenage girls to have good metabolism, strong muscles and mental health. Teenage girls need adequate amount of calories, minerals and vitamins for better puberty growth. Especially calcium and iron is essential at this stage of teenage girls. Calorie requirements for girls vary person to person. But usually a teenage

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