2. At the supermarket park farther away from the door as you usually would. Take a couple extra laps around the market too if you have the time.
3. Instead of plopping down on the couch during "Friends", do some house chores or better yet go for a nice brisk walk.
4. If you take the bus or the subway, stand in the aisle and let someone else have your seat.
5. Instead of going out to dinner, go out and walk, rollerblade or play pool (something physical).
6. At work, instead of taking coffee breaks, take walk breaks, and no smoking!
7. If possible once or twice a week, ride your bike to work or to the gym.
8. Instead of sitting back and watching your younger siblings play (or if you are baby-sitting), get on the floor and play with them, at first they may think you are crazy, but they may like it.
9. Instead of letting the dog out to roam the yard, take the dog for a walk.
10. Cut your grass (with a push mower), your parents will love this too.
11. While watching TV, lie on your back and do some leg lifts or some isometrics with your arms while watching.
12. Wash the floors, it burns calories and uses many muscle groups and a clean floor isn’t so bad either! Just be careful of your knees.
Tags: Health, Dieting tips