
food is all about choice

Thursday, June 01, 2006

How to make Fried rice...

One of the most common questions I get as a chef is about making good fried rice. This usually puzzles me because "fried rice" in Asian food is hardly haute cuisine. In fact, it's the very opposite of it. Fried rice is not one single dish. It is more of a way of combining leftover rice with leftover anything else and turning it into a one-dish meal.

This "leftover" philosophy of fried rice also means that there are an infinite range of ingredients and flavours that can be combined to create new and interesting versions of fried rice. From the simple egg fried rice to the Indonesian Nasi Goreng (which translates to "fried rice", incidentally) to the Thai Basil-flavoured Rice, you can make any number of tasty dishes that will fill your belly.

Fried rice is more of a formula than a single recipe. So rather than list actual ingredients and give you a recipe. Few basic things you need to get right to make sure your fried rice comes out great. (But don't worry, a recipe too shall follow.)


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